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18 May 2014

Crayon Vase - End of School Year Gift

Original Pin

Crayon Vase

While at one of the many family events over the past month, my family stated that they are still trying to come up with some ideas for the end of school year gifts for the minions' teachers. This got me to thinking about a bunch of ideas of what could the minions do and it also be a good gift for the teachers. Since some of the times the gifts are a little more complicated for the minions to attempt, I figured the next few Sundays will be dedicated to end of year gift ideas. This idea was a lot of fun. For some reason, I have really like the idea of using crayons for anything and everything. Maybe it is a chance to get back into my childhood. It took a while to find a pin that I liked for this project, as I saw a picture a friend posted on Facebook and the picture was not from Pinterest. Honestly, the pin I found was helpful and easy to use.


  • Square/Rectangle Vase
  • Crayons
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Hot Glue Sticks
  • Ribbon


  • Fake Flowers

What I Did

This a a very simple project. I made a pattern of colors for the crayons and started gluing them to the vase, leaving the corners bear. The reason I left the bear is for a simple reason; the vase I purchased had rounded corners. Since this was the case, any time I attempted to place the crayons around the full vase, they started to tilt and did not lay straight up and down.

Once all of the crayons were glued to the vase, I found a ribbon that I fell in love with that matched the theme perfectly. You can choose to place the ribbon anywhere around the vase; however, I enjoyed not covered too much of the natural crayon printing, so that is why I placed it where I did. At this point you can stop and call the project complete and you would be fine. All you would need to do is put a bow or tag where the ribbon connected to the vase and make it look pretty. I wanted to make sure that the glass vase was not truly seen, so I took fake flowers that I had left over from another project and glued them to the corners. After everything is dry and done, you can either just give this as the gift or fill it with whatever your heart desires; chocolates, pens, rulers, flowers.

5 out of 5. Simple, easy, fun, and a different type of gift to give the teachers.

If anyone would like to purchase one of these, please email me and I will give you all the details.

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