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20 May 2014

Detox Bath

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Detox Bath

I am not a bath person. Maybe this is due to the fact that I swam for many years and quick showers were they way to go, but I never really enjoyed the idea I just soaking in a tub. One of the things that my massage therapist stated to me the other day was to try a few detox methods within a single week. Detox drink, deton food, detox bath. I am good on the drink and bath, but the food, a little harder due to my work schedule and not a lot of detox foods will survive a two hour commute into work.


  • Epsom Salt 
  • Baking Soda
  • Ground Ginger
  • Aromatherapy oils (lavender or chamomile)
  • Glass of water


  • Bowl with ice water
  • Wash cloth

What I Did
Okay, not pictures. I am sorry, but you do not need to see me in a bathtub. I followed the instructions on the site word for word. I gave myself 40 minutes of time to soak (ugh). I like my water hot, so I made sure that it was hot enough for me to handle. I added the 3 cups of lavender Epsom Salt (Walgreen's has this), 1 cup of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of ground ginger, and about 20 drops of lavender aromatherapy oils. Stepped into the tub and soaked. I had my large glass of water next to the tub, as the site told me that I should drink water as I am doing this. After about 15 minutes, I started to get restless because I do not like sitting in a tub and I felt horrid. Then I realized something very important and it made things so easy;  the steam and heat of the tub makes me feel suffocated. It is the steam that is in a tub, the hot air filling my lungs, and I feel sooooo uncomfortable. I quickly jumped out of the tub, grabbed a small bowl, filled it with ice and water, grabs a face cloth, soaks the face cloth in the cold water, and got back in the tub. I put the cold cloth on my forehead and it worked. I was breathing in the cold air from the wash cloth, all while letting the bath do the job it was meant to do. I did have to drain and rewarm the water twice in the 45 minutes (I added time with my little trip out of the tub), so I added a 1/4 cup of salt with each drain. After the 45 minutes, I felt different and in a sense, refreshed. I did a quick scrub down with my loofah and called it a night. I really did not feel the effects until teh next morning. I felt relaxed, refreshed, and well, glad I did this on a Saturday, as if I had to run around the next day, it was not happening.

This is a good body detox. Although it says you only need the 40 minutes for the soak, you need at least 2 days; one day for the soak (close to bed time) and the next day to drink about 2 gallons of water and to relax your body to pulling out all the "toxins" in your body.

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