Find What You Want

01 May 2014

The Start

A lot of people want to do what makes them happy, no matter the risks, the stress, the uncertainty. Today starts doing what I love to do. Over the next few days, I will be launching a project called "Worth the Pin". It is a project in which I give insight into whether or not the "pins" you have shared and want to attempt to truly worth the time, money, & effort. My reasoning? Because I have had so many people say "I have spent hours on Pinterest, looking at all of these stuff, pinning them to boards, and have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with it".


And that is what most of us do in life in general; we see it, think it looking awesome, make a mental note to try it, and forget about it 5 seconds later because of the "ohh shiny red ball". So instead of falling into that trap, I want to help society see more than the red ball (even if it is shiny).

Over the next few days, myself and my husband (who will be forever known as Pyro, because, well, use your imagination), will be working out the kinks of making sure all of the sites, projects, materials, etc., are fully functioning and ready to go. As we work on this, if you have a pin, project, recipe, idea, whatever, that you want me to test out, send your requests to and we will add it to the list. Hopefully, you will see it on the site!

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