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23 May 2014

The Dinner Table

Today there is not be a pin, as Pinterest and this blog is not something I can do for a day. I want to talk about the dinner table. One of the most important lessons I learned growing up was have dinner with your family, around a "dinner table", as much as humanly possible. This does not mean that you have to actually sit around a table, but it means to take the time, spend time with your family, and remember to communicate with no other distracts, except eating the food. This was the time in which our family was a family and we talked about the day, how life in general was going, and stories, laughter, and sadness were shared.

In my life, I lost 2 very important people this past week, one being my grandmother. She was the picture of "dinner around the table". That was the time for family. That is when you were the picture of a perfect family, for about an hour, every day, not matter what was going on in life. She taught my mom this practice and I will teach it to my family in the future. I practice it now with Pyro as much as humanly possible. We might not sit down at a table every night, but every night that we have dinner at the same time (thank you work schedules for making this impossible certain nights), we will be together, we eat together, we talk with each other, we practice the lesson taught by my grandmother.

The pins I post on Fridays are to bring your families together around a table. Please, make this a practice in your household. Whether it is cooking the whole meal together, or just eating the meal you prepared together, for an hour a night, enjoy the recipe as a family and remember how important it is to have dinner with them.

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